Komunita: Diskusia > Marek Hrivík
Tému založil: Canucks 333
01.03.2014 - 13:41:36
01.03.2014 - 15:50:51 |
Chalan má velký talent a skvelú prácu s pukom . |
08.10.2014 - 15:41:11 |
http://www.slovakprospects.com/nhl/clanok/2796-hrivik-si-na-debut-musi-pockat-situaciu-vnima-pragmaticky |
17.10.2014 - 15:35:36 |
http://sport.aktuality.sk/c/176144/marek-hrivik-veri-ze-v-tejto-sezone-si-uz-zahra-v-nhl/ |
17.10.2014 - 15:37:10 |
to by musel vyletiet Vigneault a to nepredpokladam |
23.10.2014 - 16:50:27 |
hm, videl niekto hrat Hrivika tento rok v AHL uz? cisla zatial poslabsie v ramci timu, ma tam dvoch Svedov, co su asi blizsie k povolaniu do Rangers, ak by sa niekto zranil. Alebo to vidite inak? |
21.01.2015 - 15:33:09 |
no čo tak čítam, tak Marek aj napriek slabým číslam je na tom herne celkom dobre, komenty z posledného týždňa: "Also liked Hrivik's game a lot. Seems like he could be a great energy 4th line winger who can play defense. Big improvement from the game I saw today versus the hrivik I saw last season." "Over the last few weeks, Hrivik has been the best Hartford forward in all 3 zones on the Hartford team. Lindberg is best on defense, Chris is best on offense, but Hrivik is best when all 3 zones are looked at." "T've said for a couple years now that Hrivik has what it takes to play in the NHL. His AHL stats don't do his game justice." "Hrivik - that GWG last game was absolutely eye-opening for me. If he wants an NHL job, and is willing to put in the work, I think he'll find one somewhere. And I think he could do so as a bottom-6er on a winning team. The only question is if the Christian Dube life simply isn't more appealing (it's not so bad to make $1MM per and be the man in a nice Swiss city)." "Update on Hrivik please? - Currently HFD's top line center. Got moved there and has played really well. Good two way play too, this kid works really hard, and makes plays that don't hurt the team." "Hrivik is the biggest surprise, he was a checker first, but once he's gotten some offensive minutes after JT's promotion, he's taken hold of the middle and ran with it. Producing and not making mistakes. He could be a dark horse if he sticks around, but I think he's bound for more money and long career in the Euroleagues. Good guy that deserves a bigger contract. Won't get it here. He's a total pro too, gives it his all every shift." |
22.01.2015 - 22:22:45 |
Reakcia na: peto10, 21.01.2015 - 15:33:09 no čo tak čítam, tak Marek aj napriek slabým číslam je na tom herne celkom dobre, komenty z posledného týždňa:
\"Also liked Hrivik\'s game a lot. Seems like he could be a great energy 4th line winger who can play defense. Big improvement from the game I saw today versus the hrivik I saw last season.\"
\"Over the last few weeks, Hrivik has been the best Hartford forward in all 3 zones on the Hartford team. Lindberg is best on defense, Chris is best on offense, but Hrivik is best when all 3 zones are looked at.\"
\"T\'ve said for a couple years now that Hrivik has what it takes to play in the NHL. His AHL stats don\'t do his game justice.\"
\"Hrivik - that GWG last game was absolutely eye-opening for me. If he wants an NHL job, and is willing to put in the work, I think he\'ll find one somewhere. And I think he could do so as a bottom-6er on a winning team. The only question is if the Christian Dube life simply isn\'t more appealing (it\'s not so bad to make $1MM per and be the man in a nice Swiss city).\"
\"Update on Hrivik please? - Currently HFD\'s top line center. Got moved there and has played really well. Good two way play too, this kid works really hard, and makes plays that don\'t hurt the team.\"
\"Hrivik is the biggest surprise, he was a checker first, but once he\'s gotten some offensive minutes after JT\'s promotion, he\'s taken hold of the middle and ran with it. Producing and not making mistakes. He could be a dark horse if he sticks around, but I think he\'s bound for more money and long career in the Euroleagues. Good guy that deserves a bigger contract. Won\'t get it here. He\'s a total pro too, gives it his all every shift.\" kuuuuva negrze, tys mi udelal radost. Marek sa mi pacil na MS, ale hlavne pred MS, ked nehral centra, kridelnik mu podla mna viac pristane.∧ skryť ∧ Mal raketovy nastup do AHL svojho casu v play off, vtedy bol asi velmi hladny po uspechu. Obcas, ked je vidiet nejaky ten jeho golik, ma to eleganciu a sarm. Len tie cisla zo zaciatku sezony, to vyzeralo na to, ze to zabali. Ale tak, ak toto tvrdia v US (to mas z nejakeho HF Boardu?) fandovia, tak by stale mohol mat sancu jednu do tej NHL aspon nakuknut. Svajc snad nebude davat, radsej skandinavia, tam sa podla mna lepsie rozohra, ale tak stale niekde v kutiku duse dufam, ze tu enhaelku da. |
16.05.2015 - 21:04:22 |
a teraz hetrik, chalankovi sa snad uz aj zacalo trosku darit |
29.10.2016 - 04:17:40 |
Tento borec už dávno farmu prerástol,dokázal to už v minuloročných štyroch zápasoch v ktorých patril k tomu lepšiemu v drese jazdcov,tohtosezónnymi výkonmi to zatiaľ potvrdzuje plus niečo naviac.... |
15.11.2016 - 00:27:10 |
Tak hore bol povolany Nieves ktory tym padom zazije v NHL premieru....Dufal som ze to bude Marek koho zavolaju,jasne kraluje produktivite HWP, ako jediny z utocnikov sa pohybuje v kladnych cislach...Tu by fakt bola vymena vykupenim,AHL davno prerastol.... |
15.11.2016 - 10:04:24 |
Reakcia na: adinko, 15.11.2016 - 00:27:10 Tak hore bol povolany Nieves ktory tym padom zazije v NHL premieru....Dufal som ze to bude Marek koho zavolaju,jasne kraluje produktivite HWP, ako jediny z utocnikov sa pohybuje v kladnych cislach...Tu by fakt bola vymena vykupenim,AHL davno prerastol.... Je to len krátkodobý call-up a Nievesovi chcú dať zrejme confidence boost, keďže sa s ním do budúcna počíta viac ako s Hrivom. Pri dlhšej potrebe by povolali určite Hriva. Taktiež Nieves nemusí prejsť cez waiver.∧ skryť ∧ |
15.11.2016 - 19:35:43 |
Reakcia na: adinko, 15.11.2016 - 00:27:10 Tak hore bol povolany Nieves ktory tym padom zazije v NHL premieru....Dufal som ze to bude Marek koho zavolaju,jasne kraluje produktivite HWP, ako jediny z utocnikov sa pohybuje v kladnych cislach...Tu by fakt bola vymena vykupenim,AHL davno prerastol.... davno tuto sezonu...∧ skryť ∧ |
05.12.2016 - 17:46:19 |
Hrivík povolaný do NHL. |
05.12.2016 - 17:53:44 |
http://www.hartfordwolfpack.com/news/detail/rangers-recall-hrivik |
16.01.2017 - 18:06:14 |
Mareka si nik nestiahol |
16.01.2017 - 18:16:15 |
Skoda. Tym padom padaju akekolvek uvahy co by bolo v inom time, a pod. nakolko si ho nikto nezobral takpovediac bez namahy. Ak nepride nejaky druhy nahodny call-up a nejake vyraznejsie presadenie sa, tak po sezone uz jedoznacne smer Europa. |
16.01.2017 - 23:27:57 |
Pár dní starý článok ... http://www.blueshirtbanter.com/2017/1/11/14232102/marek-hrivik-has-finally-arrived |
14.01.2018 - 20:56:42 |
Marek dnes debutuje za Calgary https://www.nhl.com/news/calgary-flames-carolina-hurricanes-game-preview/c-294939012 |
22.03.2018 - 12:02:06 |
Čo je s Marekom Hrivíkom? Vie niekto? Ešte stále zranený? |
20.04.2018 - 21:32:29 |
Marek vraj bude hrat v novej sezone za Barys Astana ktora ma na neho prava |
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