Komunita: Diskusia > Všetky príspevky užívateľa v diskusii
06.03.2014 - 11:00:10 |
Potvrdene Halak nastupi vecer proti Bostonu. Ostatne zapasy (20) sa rozdeli medzi Halaka a Holbtyho. Jaro drzim palce,ukaz co v tebe je. |
12.02.2014 - 22:09:43 |
Ja si skôr myslím,že bude Rask chytať ma celkom dobrú sezonu bude 1ka. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1509001_783074301720160_821084503_n.jpg |
27.01.2014 - 23:30:37 |
Tak Laco zatial fantasticky ! Dnes čisté konto . 1ka na MS ! |
26.01.2014 - 10:04:15 |
Super správa,hned z rana.. Konečne bude mať väčšiu dôveru |
24.01.2014 - 21:42:47 |
To snad neni možné...... Keď sa nedá doporiadku višna tak je to celé na h****... |
16.01.2014 - 23:53:26 |
Prvé dva utoky : Tatar-Handzuš-Hossa Jurčo-Kopecky-Gaborik |
16.01.2014 - 20:41:40 |
Hráči ako Gríger,Kolena,Cehlárik ešte na MS nemajú,ich čas príde.. Rewaya by som,ale bral do 3.formácie k Radivojevičovi |
13.01.2014 - 22:24:26 |
RUSSIANS ROLL OVER SLOVAKS EN ROUTE TO BRONZE Halak stands on head to keep game close In international hockey, there are always surprises. While many thought that the upstart Slovakians could put up a fight against their big, bad Russian hosts, the consensus still thought the Russians would waltz to bronze. Boy were the consensus ever right. Things got off to a rocky start for the Slovaks, who took two penalties in the first six minutes but managed to kill them off. The Russians buzzed all around Jaro Halak's net, but the St. Louis Blues goaltender stopped the first eleven shots he faced. Russia finally broke the deadlock at 13:21, on their third powerplay of the game, when Alex Ovechkin put home Alexei Emelin's shot from the point to put the hosts up 1-0. The score miraculously remained just one-nil to the Russians at the first intermission, although they had outshot the Slovaks 15-6. The second period was more of the same from the lightning-quick hosts, who peppered Halak consistently throughout the period. Finally, at the 18:47 mark of the second, the Russians broke through again, with Artem Anisimov scoring his third of the tournament on a 2-on-1. Vlad Tarasenko waited until the last possible second before setting up Anisimov with a beautiful pass, and the Russians led 2-0 after forty minutes of play. Trailling 2-0 on the scoreboard and 32-11 on the shot clock, the Slovaks finally broke out of their defensive shell midway through the third period, when Tomas Jurco went end-to-end before ringing a shot off the Russian crossbar. Unfortunately for the Slovaks, that was as close as they would come. Pavel Datsyuk added an empty netter, and the Russians took home bronze with a 3-0 win. Varlamov posted 17 saves in the shut-out victory. |
12.01.2014 - 23:32:43 |
DemonsONice96: Yes, using the international rules setting for ice size + no Touch Icing. Everything is as it will be. I'm going to take a flyer here and pick Slovakia. They've been consistently good, have excellent goaltending right now from Halak, and a balanced offense. Tatar, Jurco, Marcinko, all producing well above expectations! I think Slovakia could upset Canada tonight in the primetime game! pravda, Finále : Swedsko:Slovensko |
10.01.2014 - 22:58:19 |
Uprimnu sustrasť..... :( |
02.01.2014 - 19:19:20 |
Dnes to musíme dať !!!! 3:2 pp,sn Dnes sa stane hokejový zázrak |
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