Komunita: Diskusia > Všetky príspevky užívateľa v diskusii
26.06.2014 - 20:09:31 |
O obránce Marka Faynea, kterému vypršela smlouva s New Jersey, má zájem asi sedm klubů NHL. Jedním z nich jsou Edmonton Oilers, kteří se chystají jednat také s Derykem Engellandem z Pittsburghu. (nhl.cz) |
26.06.2014 - 20:05:25 |
Ansar Khan of MLive: The Red Wings reached out to several players yesterday, and will have a face-to-face meeting with Matt Niskanen, Dan Boyle and a few others. Niskanen is likely looking for seven years. Money could be an issues as the Wings may not have a lot of space. Boyle will get interest from the Rangers, Leafs and Lightning as well. Other free agent targets could include: Anton Stralman, Tom Gilbert, Stephane Robidas and Derek Morris. They haven’t ruled out re-signing Kyle Quincey. The Wings have also reached out to some top-six free agents. |
26.06.2014 - 16:55:05 |
Arthur Staple: The Islanders contacted numerous free agents, possibly including Matt Niskanen. Katie Strang: After talking to agents and other hockey people, getting the sense that the Islanders have been one of the most aggressive teams during the free agent interview period. |
26.06.2014 - 16:51:44 |
Tak preto Slovan tento rok radšej ani nepostúpil do play off |
26.06.2014 - 13:12:12 |
Sam Carchidi: Flyers GM Ron Hextall gave high marks to draft prospects Sonny Milano, Dylan Larkin and Alex Tuch, who may be available at their current No. 17 draft slot. |
26.06.2014 - 12:52:18 |
http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2014/6/18/5820800/nhl-mock-draft-2014-sb-nation-list-order-picks |
26.06.2014 - 12:38:34 |
Devětadvacetiletý zadák Matt Gilroy se stane další posilou ruského Mytišči, s vedením Atlantu se dohodl na roční smlouvě. Gilroy naposledy oblékal dres Floridy Panthers, v zámořské NHL má na kontě dohromady 233 utkání (nhl.cz) |
26.06.2014 - 12:34:25 |
Pat Hickey of the Montreal Gazette: When P.K. Subban’s gets his new contract, it will eat of most of their remaining cap space. Brian Gionta wants to return, but how much of pay cut will he take and is he fine with a one-year deal? Lars Ellar could take a short-term deal and a raise from his $1.5 million. Mike Weaver could serve as an insurance policy behind youngsters Nathan Beaulieu and Jarred Tinordi. Now that Andrei Markov is back, don’t expect any big moves from the free agent market. Peter Budaj could be traded. At the draft, they could focus on size, especially up front, and character players with potential. |
25.06.2014 - 20:15:06 |
Mark Lazerus: Hearing the Canucks are wanting Brandon Saad or Teuvo Teravainen in any trade for Ryan Kesler. |
25.06.2014 - 20:12:09 |
Jim Matheson: Matheson wonders if the Bruins, who are dealing with some cap issues, would be interested in a Martin Marincin for Johnny Boychuk trade with the Oilers. |
25.06.2014 - 15:22:10 |
Craig Custance of ESPN: Joe Thornton’s agent and brother has repeatedly said he has no intention of waiving his no-trade clause. Thornton hasn’t given GM Doug Wilson a list of teams, and hasn’t been asked too. The Sharks could strip him of his “C” in hopes of trying to force him out. Wilson is also looking to trade Antti Niemi and is shopping him around the league. They could use a top-four defenseman to replace the departed Dan Boyle. |
25.06.2014 - 15:13:07 |
Mike Johnston has agreed to a 3 year contract to coach the Pens. #TSN |
24.06.2014 - 20:41:08 |
http://www.nhl.cz/CZ/35578/hrac__ktery_nikdy_nebyl.html |
24.06.2014 - 20:38:18 |
Josh Yohe of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: It’s sounding like Penguins pending UFAs Matt Niskanen and Jussi Jokinen will be playing elsewhere next season. “I’ve talked with them,” Rutherford said. “I think both players would like to return. But they’re also coming off good years. “It’s time for them to hit free agency and get their big contracts. With that being said, we’ll see what happens leading up to free agency.” Neil Sheehy, Niskanen’s agent “isn’t alarmed” as “this is exactly what Jim had told us privately.” The Penguins hold the No. 22 pick at the draft and could look move it. “We will trade that pick if it can help us get a player who can help us immediately,” Rutherford said. |
24.06.2014 - 16:07:21 |
Podle informací listu Chicago Sun-Times by do konce června mohli Blackhawks oznámit podpis nových smluv s Jonathanem Toewsem a Patrickem Kanem. Oběma klíčovým členům kádru Jestřábů vyprší po příští sezóně pětileté kontrakty za 31,5 mil. dolarů. (nhl.cz) |
24.06.2014 - 16:02:14 |
Čo sú to prázdniny ? |
23.06.2014 - 20:25:56 |
Cristopher Nilstorp ktorý pomohol Texas Stars k zisku Calder cupu opúšťa organizáciu Stars a mieri ku Växjo Lakers (SHL) |
23.06.2014 - 20:21:41 |
Michael Russo of the Star-Tribune: Sources saying the Wild are shopping Kyle Brodziak and may be willing to retain some salary in a Niklas Backstrom trade. Wild GM Chuck Fletcher has been working the phones the past week. “Everyone calls everybody,” the Wild GM said. “You don’t see a whole bunch of trades the week prior to the draft. It’s all about trying to figure out who your likely dance partners can be the week at the draft. It’ll take a move or two to get the ball rolling, and then there’s usually a domino-type effect. We’re not there yet.” |
23.06.2014 - 16:39:36 |
James Mirtle of the Globe and Mail: Mirtle looks at the goaltender market, and it looks like there are only 10 spots open, with all being backups: Coyotes, Bruins, Flames, Blue Jackets, Stars, Devils, Islanders, Flyers, Capitals and Jets. Notable free agent goalies include: Ryan Miller, Jonas Hiller, Martin Brodeur, Tim Thomas, Justin Peters, Al Montoya, Chad Johnson and Thomas Greiss. Goalies that could be on the trade market: Cam Ward, Antti Niemi, James Reimer, Peter Budaj and Anders Lindback. Notable free agent goalies: James Reimer, Darcy Kuemper, Antti Raanta, Niklas Svedberg, Robin Lehner, Anders Lindback and Michael Hutchinson. |
23.06.2014 - 16:32:40 |
http://www.pensburgh.com/2014/6/22/5832536/penguins-2014-15-schedule-released |
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