Komunita: Diskusia > Všetky príspevky užívateľa v diskusii
14.06.2014 - 14:26:12 |
Tak v budúcej sezóne dva tímy menia pôsobisko Farmársky tím Flyers bude hrať pod názvom Lehigh Valley Phantoms a Calgary zase Adirondack Flames |
14.06.2014 - 14:21:02 |
Reakcia na: sheldon, 14.06.2014 - 14:05:24 je to na aktualitách... Tento rozhovor bol uverejnený vo včerajšom denníku ŠPORT ∧ skryť ∧ |
13.06.2014 - 12:21:33 |
http://www.pensburgh.com/2014/6/11/5800014/pittsburgh-penguins-roster-2014-projections |
13.06.2014 - 12:19:47 |
Spomínate si na Eda Belfoura ? Tí "skôr narodení" určite áno Jeho syn Dayn sa vydal "v otcových šľapajách" aj keď tak ďaleko to asi nedotiahne Poslednú sezónu strávil u Univ. of Wisconsin - Superior (NCAA III) a nasledujúcu možno vo Švédsku http://www.hockeysverige.se/2014/06/12/belfours-son-vill-spela-i-sverige-alskar-att-vara-har/ |
12.06.2014 - 19:37:56 |
Joe Haggery of CSNNE: The Bruins are focusing on Jarome Iginla contract talks before they turn to their other free agents. Both sides are trying to close a deal. The Bruins have about $9 million for three forwards, two defensemen and a backup goalie. If/when they get Iginla’s deal done, they’ll turn to RFAs Matt Bartkowski, Torey Krug and Reilly Smith. Source said the Bruins haven’t had contact with pending UFA Shawn Thornton. |
12.06.2014 - 19:35:30 |
Harvey Fialkov: Have been told that the Panthers will hire a new coach on Monday. |
11.06.2014 - 20:03:19 |
Švédský obránce Adam Larsson zvažuje návrat do domácí nejvyšší soutěže. Larsson dosud působil v New Jersey, kde během uplynulé sezóny sehrál pouze 23 utkání NHL. 1. července se stane volným hráčem s omezením, pokud se nedohodne s Devils na nové smlouvě, je prý Larsson podle deníku Expressen připraven posílit mistrovský švédský tým ze Skelleftea. (nhl.cz) |
11.06.2014 - 20:01:03 |
Josh Yohe of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Penguins pending UFA Matt Niskanen is paying attention to their coaching search. Niskanen had a close relationship with fired coach Dan Bylsma. “Dan being dismissed won’t affect my decision,” Niskanen said. “However, I will pay attention to what the coaching staff is going to look like. It’s not the only factor in the decision. But it is a factor.” Retaining Niskanen won’t be easy for the Penguins. EDIT: Tak žeby vážne Panthers ak tam skončí aj Bylsma ? |
10.06.2014 - 19:48:08 |
Harvey Fialkov of the Sun-Sentinel: If the Panthers don’t get an offer they like for the first overall pick, they could be leaning towards Aaron Ekblad as he may be the most NHL ready player projected to be in the top four. “Ekblad is this year’s player most likely ready to step in and play in the NHL,” Scott Luce, the Panthers director of scouting, told the Sun Sentinel last week. “He’s physically mature and has got lots of mileage underneath him at the OHL level.” Dan Bylsma will meet with the Panthers. Fialkov wonders that if they hire Bylsma, would pending UFA defenseman Brooks Orpik and Matt Niskanen be interested in playing in South Florida? The Maple Leafs (No. 8), Flames (No. 4) and Oilers (No. 3) are said to be interested in the top overall pick. |
10.06.2014 - 19:44:00 |
Andy Strickland: There haven’t been negotiations between the Islanders and Dan Boyle yet. They won’t take place unless Boyle decides he wants to play there. A decision is expected this week. There appears to be a slim chance that Boyle would sign with the Islanders. He may be looking to play for a contender at this point in his career. Boyle has been speaking with people within the Islanders organization this week, as well as people who have played there in the past. |
08.06.2014 - 20:59:00 |
http://www.mckeenshockey.com/top-prospects/ |
08.06.2014 - 20:44:04 |
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2084623-nhl-teams-that-need-a-new-starting-goaltender-for-the-2014-15-season |
08.06.2014 - 19:55:22 |
Reakcia na: DC man, 08.06.2014 - 19:49:30 Pens nie nie bývam v rodinnom domčeku, keby som bol v panelaku nedovolím si to ;-) Aha ja len že som dávnejšie niečo podobne zažíval ale sused zistil že po nočných som dosť "nevrlý" tak to začal dávať slabšie ∧ skryť ∧ |
08.06.2014 - 19:47:55 |
Reakcia na: DC man, 08.06.2014 - 19:36:59 Dnes som bol sam doma a som to riadne aj vyuzžil, pustil som si hudbu na plne a bavil sa. ale mal som malu navšteva a ta ma teda prekvapila :LOL:
Poobede zazvonil zvonček (na moje prekvapenie som ho počul)a prisli moji "kamarati policajti" ze nech to vypnem ze je to.moc hlucne a vulgarne. Na to sa jeden započúval a hovorí \" Do pici aka je to pesnicka aka je dpbra\" povedal som mu ze je to ssepar pirat a on na to \"Pošli mi to a počúvaj dalej. A nevykaj mi ja som Anton čaw\" :LOL: :LOL: Bývaš v paneláku ? Napadlo ťa že tam bývajú aj rodiny s malými deťmi ktoré chodia spať aj cez deň ? Alebo niektorí pracujú na zmeny a chcú sa vyspať ? Píšem len lebo som mal podobný problém a tvrdenie "doma si môžem robiť čo chcem" neobstojí nikde ∧ skryť ∧ |
08.06.2014 - 12:57:00 |
Toto fanúšikov Hurricanes asi nepoteší ... Hope Smoke: Darren Dreger: “What I’m hearing, and I don’t know if this is 100% true, is that Karmanos is interested in selling whatever interests he continues to have in the Hurricanes” … “I don’t know if Karmanos is actively pursuing that with any level of desperation” … “I think there is a considerable amount of change ahead in Carolina” |
08.06.2014 - 12:52:45 |
Reakcia na: MIKI-DET, 08.06.2014 - 07:49:39 Pens ktory by bol podla teba najvhodnejsi? Netuším len škoda že tak dlho otáľali s Bylsmom mohol to byť Trotz ∧ skryť ∧ |
07.06.2014 - 21:24:20 |
Reakcia na: nanuk, 20.04.2014 - 22:10:01 mali by dat priestor v pozicii brankara c. 2 niekomu z organizacie, ako podpisovat ineho z vonku alebo podpisat vacsiu rybu pre priamu konkurenciu Ondrovi...preco nedali/ju viac priestoru Ediemu Pasqualemu alebo Hutchinsonovi ten na zaver sezony predviedol minimalne zaujimave vykony...na druhej strane sa ukazuje Jets potencial v podobe Hellebuycka a Comrieho, obidvaja od novej sezony so zmluvami a zrejme smer AHL zalezi ci ostane tandem uz skor mnou spominany...a na zaver by som sa mozno zameral na ine posty v teame, kde to je potrebne ovela viac :s06: Michael Hutchinson si to miesto za výkony v tohtoročnom play off AHL vyslovene pýta a to sezónu začínal u Ontario Reign (ECHL) ∧ skryť ∧ |
07.06.2014 - 21:14:35 |
McKenzie: There are more than a dozen teams with firm offers on a max entry-level contract for KHL goalie Jiri Sekac. He’s expected to make up his mind in the next couple days. EDIT: Goalie ? |
07.06.2014 - 20:55:54 |
Craig Custance of ESPN: Some of the top candidates for the Penguins replacement of head coach Dan Bylsma: 1. Ulf Samuelsson – Rangers assistant 2. John Stevens – Kings assistant 3. Ron Wilson 4. Willie Desjardin – Texas Stars (AHL) 5. The field – they missed out on Barry Trotz. John Hynes in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton or Jacques Martin. Would love Mike Babcock, but he’s not going anywhere. |
07.06.2014 - 20:52:50 |
Mike Zeisberger of the Toronto Sun: The Maple Leafs are at least one of six teams that have interest in Sharks Joe Thornton. That doesn’t mean the teams have exchanged offers. There have been reports out of Chicago about a possible Thornton for Patrick Sharp trade. Thornton has a no-movement clause but might be willing to waive it. |
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