Komunita: Diskusia > Fantasy Hockey
Tému založil: Shini
26.08.2012 - 23:31:54
!! Nas live draft je momentalne nastaveny na 13.1. 20:00 nasho casu. Tento datum je mozne este vzdy zmenit, ale na pripadnej zmene sa treba dohodnut najneskor do soboty vecera !!!
SlovakNHL (league ID: 46211)
Rychla URL k lige
--- vsetci povinne ulozit medzi zalozky
Manazeri a ich muzstva:
Jaro13 - Bryndzové Halušky
Jake - THC Rebels
Coffey - Šaľa Black Rays
Maple Leafs - Prešov Bobcats
Scythe - Bratislava Snipers
D8A... - City of Senica
matts87 - Dream Team
sheldon - Novoť Hornets
pato - Košické Vraňare
radek444 - HC BNV
94ondro94 - Red Tigers
yderf - Praha Towers
ranger92 - Lion Humenne
Agre - Los Santos
Peto91 - Svidnik Wolves
Kuwo - PD Lumberjacks
Shini - LeHokej Rača
DC Man - HC Krasno Sharks
ABC of Fantasy Hockey: http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=639875
Pravidla Head to Head league:
In a Head-to-Head League, your team will square off in a weekly matchup against another manager's to see who can compile the best stats across a number of different categories.
A new weekly matchup begins every Monday and will consist of a set number of games based on your league's statistical categories.
Each stat category counts as one game, with the win going to the team with the highest total in that category.
So, if in a given week, your team scores more goals than your opponent's, you would be credited with a victory. However, if your opponent's team ended the week with a better save percentage than your team, you would be charged with a loss. If the two teams end up tied in a given category, each will receive credit for a tied game.
This weekly win-loss total will be added to a cumulative season record where each win counts for two points, each tie counts for one and each loss counts for none. The total of these points will be used to determine standings.
Head-to-head scoring is available in both Public and Private Leagues. All Public Leagues use the same default settings, while Private League commissioner's will be able to specify a number of settings, including roster size and stat categories.
Po slovensky supravidla head-to-head vysvetlene nazorne na prvej strane...
06.01.2013 - 21:52:06 |
no ja môžem cez týždeň len po obede, najskôr o štvrtej |
06.01.2013 - 21:59:47 |
tiez by som sa pridal ak mozem Draft by bolo najlepsie urobit vo vecernych hodinach, vtedy je tu kazdy |
06.01.2013 - 22:00:46 |
tiež mám skúškové, čiže ja sa prispôsobím (ak nebudem mať poobede skušku náhodou ) |
06.01.2013 - 22:09:23 |
Tak predbezne by som navrhol, ze spravit ten draft Pondelok 14.01., 19:00. Tak sa vyjadrite ako by vam to vyhovovalo... |
06.01.2013 - 22:12:41 |
15. mám skúšku, tak mohli by sme to posunúť o deň neskôr? |
06.01.2013 - 22:36:59 |
Mne by to vyhovovovalo vtedy aj keby to je o ten deň neskôr ak mi nič do toho nepríde, což by nemalo |
06.01.2013 - 22:43:59 |
Shini: mne to vyhovuje |
06.01.2013 - 22:51:57 |
Maple Leafs, kludne to mozme posunut o den neskor, len otazka je kedy zacne sezona. Ale v principe kludne to mozme dat aj 15. vecer. |
06.01.2013 - 23:23:28 |
kľudne to dajme aj na 13. |
07.01.2013 - 11:07:04 |
tuto Leafs do mňa hustí od včera, pripájam sa aj ja |
07.01.2013 - 11:57:54 |
ja som hustil do Ondra, možno sa tiež pridá |
07.01.2013 - 12:05:47 |
mne by to tiež vyhovovalo skor niekedy vecer |
07.01.2013 - 22:07:36 |
Tak ja vlastne 15. nemozem, vtedy idem na Slovan proti Levu... Ale toho 13. moze byt, niekedy vecer. A zatial to vyzera fajn, ak dobre pocitam tak uz prejavili zaujem: Jaro13 Jake Coffey Maple Leafs Scythe D8A... matts87 sheldon pato radek444 Ondro Ked sme to planovali este pred ohlasenim lockoutu, prejavili zaujem aj DcMan, Kelly, Mark, fjungbklofe, davidkyzek. U vas by tam ten zaujem este bol, pripadne mate niekto kontakt na tych z nich co tu tak casto nechodia v poslednej dobe? Keby este aspon 4 z tychto isli do toho, tak by to bolo super |
07.01.2013 - 23:47:26 |
Dacko Pasha Ondrík sa pripája Teším sa |
08.01.2013 - 10:40:33 |
a Suvereno povedal, že čekne tuto temu po skuške |
09.01.2013 - 01:20:15 |
No, takze kedze to vyzera ze nas na prvy rocnik bude dost, a kedze skusku mam zamnou a dalsiu az za dva tyzdne, vytvroim v najblizsich dnoch ligu. Treba ale teda doriesit niekolko otazok: 1. Kedy bude draft? Aktualny navrh je nedela 13.1., 20:00 2. Kolko chceme hracov playoff? Bude nas pravdepodobne 11 - 16 hracov. Chceme hrat playoff so 6 hracmi (cize 1. a 2. maju bye, podobne ako na U20 majstrovstvach) alebo s 8? 3. To najdolezitejsie: Chceme hrat Head-toHead ligu, alebo Rotisserie? Head to Head In a Head-to-Head League, your team will square off in a weekly matchup against another manager's to see who can compile the best stats across a number of different categories. A new weekly matchup begins every Monday and will consist of a set number of games based on your league's statistical categories. Each stat category counts as one game, with the win going to the team with the highest total in that category. So, if in a given week, your team scores more goals than your opponent's, you would be credited with a victory. However, if your opponent's team ended the week with a better save percentage than your team, you would be charged with a loss. If the two teams end up tied in a given category, each will receive credit for a tied game. This weekly win-loss total will be added to a cumulative season record where each win counts for two points, each tie counts for one and each loss counts for none. The total of these points will be used to determine standings. Head-to-head scoring is available in both Public and Private Leagues. All Public Leagues use the same default settings, while Private League commissioner's will be able to specify a number of settings, including roster size and stat categories. (Head to head som nazorne vysvetlil na prvej stranke aj po slovensky) Rotisserie In a Rotisserie League, fantasy teams are ranked from first to last in each of several statistical categories. Points are then awarded according to the order of finish in each category and are totaled to determine an overall score and place. So, if you're in a 12-team league, the team with the most goals scored receives 12 points, the team with the second most receives 11 points, and so on. In the case of a tie, each team involved receives an average of the total points due. So, in the example above, if two teams were tied for first in assists, each would receive 11.5 points [(12 + 11) / 2 = 11.5]. Therefore, the maximum number of points that a team can earn is equal to the number of scoring categories within a league multiplied by the number of teams in the league. Similarly, the lowest number of points that a team can earn is equal to the number of scoring categories multiplied by one, which is the lowest score that can be achieved in any category. So, if you were playing in a league with 12 teams and 12 scoring categories, the lowest point total possible is 12 [12 * 1 = 12] and the highest is 144 [12 * 12 = 144]. Rankings within the individual scoring categories (G, A, etc.) are based on the cumulative stats earned by all active players during the season and not on any individual day or game. Therefore, the overall ranking of your team rises and falls depending on how it performs relative to the performance of other league members. _______________________________________________________________ Tazko povedat ktora varianta je lepsia, lebo obe maju svoje vyhody. Rotiserrie je v pdostate spravodlivejsia, lebo hodnti celkovy vykon timu za sezonu, neprihliada pritom prilis na nejake "point streaks" a vykyvy v produkcii, a hodnoti vsetkych hracov oproti sebe (narozdiel od heead to head kde kazdy tyzden proti sebe idu dvaja hraci). Na druhej strane Head-to-Head liga ma podla mna o niecu vacsiu akcnost, kedze sa hra na tyzdne, a vzdy mas proti sebe ineho supera. Tak sa moze stat ze budes mat aj druhe najlepsie statistiky v lige, ale aj tak prehras lebo v ten tyzden budes superit s tym co ich ma najlepsie. Zaroven tu o nieco vacsiu ulohu hra kratkodobe taktizovanie, a zohladnovanie vykyvov vo vykonnosti u hracov. No je toho dost tak dufam ze nikto po precitani tohto prispevku necuvne lebo sa mu to zda zlozite . Ono to podla tych pravidiel moze zlozito vyzerat, ale po tyzdni hrania uvidite ze je to fakt strasne jednoduche Co sa zakladov tyka znova odporucam tento uvadzajuci clanok na nhl.co: http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=639875 . Pre hlbsie pravidla treba patrat na yahoo (podla mna to maju trochu neprehladne spravene), a v pripade otazok sa mozte tu opytat mna, ja uzmam (vacsinu) pravidiel nastudovanu... |
09.01.2013 - 02:46:32 |
caute neviem, ci sa este zmestim, ale chcel som si zahrat nejaku fantasy ligu - nemam zatial velmi nastudovaneuplne presne pravidla atd, ale predpokladam, ze do toho pridem takze ak by bolo miesto, tak sa rad pridam |
09.01.2013 - 09:17:58 |
Zmestis, miesta je dost. Len vas prosim ludia ked sa do toho uz date, berte to ako v podstate zavezne. Ze ked sa raz registrujete, tak dufam ze po dvoch tyzdnoch sa nato nevykaslete..... |
09.01.2013 - 09:29:32 |
aj ja sa hlasim |
09.01.2013 - 12:22:02 |
Agre je tiez in... Este by som povedal ze mozno by bolo lepsie spravit ten draft az nejak 16. - 18., kedze uz je v podstate jasne ze liga zacne az 19. Fantasy liga navyse mozno zacne az od pondelka 21.... |
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