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20.03.2014 - 20:09:26 |
Hackett will make his Sabres debut on Thursday. Hackett has played in 13 career NHL games when he was with the Minnesota Wild. He has gone 13-17-2 with a 3.07 GAA and .898 SV% with Rochester (AHL) this season. He draws a relatively favourable matchup in Edmonton. |
20.03.2014 - 20:02:05 |
Takto pravdepodobne proti Red Wings Kunitz-Crosby-Stempniak Jokinen-Malkin-Neal Glass-Goc-Vitale Gibbons-Sutter-Adams Orpik-Niskanen Scuderi-Maatta Bortuzzo-Despres PP1: Malkin, Niskanen - Crosby, Neal a Kunitz PP2: Despres, Maatta - Jokinen, Stempniak a Goc |
19.03.2014 - 18:14:13 |
http://www.pensburgh.com/2014/3/18/5521610/who-will-the-penguins-play-in-the-playoffs |
19.03.2014 - 18:09:16 |
Brittany Wallman of the Sun Sentinel: Six of eight commissioners voted in favor of giving the Panthers additional taxes from tourists. The Panthers are asking for and additional $80 million from Broward County. The Panthers are requesting the developmental rights to 22 acres of land next to the arena, is separate from the request for additional tax funds. Panthers President and CEO Michael Yormark. “We need help,” he said. “We’re losing $100,000 a day,” said Panthers co-owner Doug Cifu, who with Vinnie Viola became the team’s fifth owner in September, with a $250 million purchase. “So where I sit, time is of the essence.” |
18.03.2014 - 17:05:52 |
Elliotte Friedman: The NHL is looking into altering their draft lottery process. Under the current system, any team in the lottery could ‘win’ the lottery and first overall, as well as not being able fall back more than one draft slot. There are talks of altering the systems so that teams could drop to the fourth or possibly the six slot. Odds of winning the lottery are 25 percent for the worst team to 0.5 percent for the 14th seed. This could be altered too. They are also looking at the possibility of looking at a team over a five year span.The NHL may get rid of having ‘lists’ for shooters taking part in the shootout. Illegal testing of draft prospects could be $250,000. |
18.03.2014 - 17:04:11 |
Shelly Anderson of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Penguins James Neal (concussion) received clearance to play and could be in the lineup tonight. Chris Kunitz could also return to the lineup tonight. Beau Bennett skated before practice but hasn’t been given clearance for contact. Paul Martin skated in full gear before practice. Given the day off yesterday: Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Jussi Jokinen, Olli Maatta and Brooks Orpik. Shelly Anderson: Penguins Kris Letang wants to pay this season but he hasn’t received anything definitive from his doctors. |
17.03.2014 - 20:03:47 |
... aby to bolo kompletné tak tu je aj gól ktorý zaznamenal Mike Smith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB6TEDp94-k |
17.03.2014 - 19:58:54 |
http://www.nhl.cz/CZ/34749/rekordni_mladici__gaudreau_vyrovnal_kariyu__krug_prekonal_orra__drouin_zazaril_sedmi_body.html |
17.03.2014 - 17:25:40 |
Tu si môžte pozrieť góly brankárov v NHL http://www.totalprosports.com/2013/03/26/goals-scored-by-nhl-hockey-goalies/ EDIT: Chýba tam iba gól ktorý dal Mike Smith v tejto sezóne |
17.03.2014 - 17:12:51 |
http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/22902876/nhl-alltime-teams-florida-panthers EDIT: U mňa v bránke rozhodne John Vanbiesbrouck |
17.03.2014 - 15:42:56 |
Elliotte Friedman of CBC: Markus Naslund resigned from his GM post with MODO. Canucks GM Mike Gillis said on the Team 1040 that he would reach out to Naslund, but Naslund said not to jump to conclusions. “This has nothing to do with anything in North America,” he said. “This is a decision made here a little over a month ago, that I was not going to sign another deal. I’m ready to do something different. “I can see why there is speculation. But there is nothing to the rumours.” On if he’d be interested if Gillis called about joining the Canucks front office. “I don’t know at this point,” he said. “I had a couple of inquiries a year ago or so, but it made no sense for me or us as a family. I’m going to take some time…and see what I’d like to do. I’m not ruling out anything. I didn’t take the job with MoDo with the NHL in mind. That was to help out an organization that was in rough shape.” |
17.03.2014 - 15:40:08 |
Aaron Portzline: Blue Jackets Marko Dano may not make his AHL debut until next week. |
16.03.2014 - 13:27:56 |
Jediný kto sa tu strapnuje si ty a to nie len čo sa týka tejto témy Veľa ľudí ktorí chodia tu na stránku už majú "plné zuby" tvojich "múdrostí" Nikto nie je dokonalý ale aspoň sito o sebe nemyslí ako TY A že morálny človek !!! Už prosím ťa prestaň Viac na teba nereagujem len že si tu všetkým na smiech Pekný zbytok dňa !!! |
16.03.2014 - 13:18:01 |
R3v3r3nd: Presne tak Sedme doma a nadávajme A ty si prosím ťa zarámuj že Slovensko je tam kde je kvôli takým ako si ty |
16.03.2014 - 12:59:24 |
R3v3r3nd: Teraz si to "trafil" Potrebujú takých ako ty čo sa sťažujú a nič neurobia a nepíš mi že sám nič nezmeníš Vieme aká býva volebná účasť to sú ďalší ako ty Ja ti tvoj názor neberiem ale aspoň sa tu nevysmievaj z ľudí ktorí niečo preto robia |
16.03.2014 - 12:49:29 |
Príde mi nanajvýš "čudné" ak niekto volí Kisku len preto aby nevyhral Fico (nevolil som ani jedného ani druhého) Mám predsa vlastný názor a vyberám si človeka ktorý je podľa mňa najschopnejší kandidát Reči "Ja by som volil .... ale on nemá šancu" Takéto zmýšľanie vedie k tomu že sme momentálne tam kde sme |
14.03.2014 - 21:02:20 |
Do NHL by sa chcel vrátiť Nolan Schaefer Bol draftovaný v roku 2000 v 5.kole na 166.pozícii tímom San Jose Sharks "Žraloci" sú aj jediným tímom ktorý mu dal šancu zachytať si v najlepšej lige sveta Bolo to v sezóne 2005/06 v 7 zápasoch Bol prvým brankárom v histórii Sharks ktorý dosiahol víťazstvo v samostatných nájazdoch Neskôr patril aj Penguins, Wild a Bruins ale už iba "na báze" AHL Posledné 3 sezóny pôsobí u Ambri-Piotta (NLA) http://www.swisshockeynews.ch/index.php/rumors/1218-hcap-s-nolan-schaefer-looking-for-an-nhl-contract |
14.03.2014 - 20:30:48 |
Craig Custance of ESPN: Penguins GM Ray Shero said there haven’t been any contract talks with Brooks Orpik. “We haven’t done much with any of our free agents at all. It’s by design,” Shero said. “Even with Brooks, last time six years ago, he went into free agency and wanted to see what was there. We’ll see what happens. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. We want to see how our team does.” EDIT: Tak nech to aj ostane |
13.03.2014 - 21:01:31 |
Louis Jean: Gary Bettman: ”We have no expansion process or plan. We’re not there yet.” |
13.03.2014 - 21:00:00 |
Stephan Roth: Gerücht: Servette-Stürmer Kaspars Daugavins kehrt nächste Saison in die NHL zurück. Zu Lettland-Coach Ted Nolan und den Buffalo Sabres. |
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